Сustomized software development company LitsLink - US IT firm

Real Estate Marketplace

The largest platform for renting and buying condos in the world

What is it?

The real estate marketplace is a global community of real estate agents, buyers, and sellers with access to property sales, home improvement, and mortgage services. The platform has a database of more than 250 thousand condos with active inventory, floor plans, recent sales, and reviews.


The client reached out to LITSLINK for front-end development services and website redesign. The other part of the project was to create a targeting tool for real estate agents to ensure better connection with condo buyers and sellers.


Within a short time frame, front-end developers and product designers form LITSLINK completed the following:

  • Visually appealing and unique brand identity for the client’s website;
  • Interactive and engaging user interfaces rendered with React.js;
  • A targeting instrument that helps real estate agents launch advertising campaigns to reach potential condo buyers and sellers.


After the project release, the real estate marketplace attracted more than 20 thousand new website visitors, including real estate agents, property buyers and sellers. Also, the company updated its database with more than 12 thousand buildings and generated up to $800 thousand in 3 months.