Product Design Services

Product design is not limited to the look of your app. A seamless user experience is achieved through the synergy of in-depth business analysis, stunning visual identity, and a deep understanding of UI/UX design principles combined with a thorough development effort. LITSLINK provides full-cycle product design services to help your product resonate with its audience.

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Software product design services by UI/UX design agency LITSLINK

About Our Product Design Services

Full-Service Agency

There is no more need to waste your time and resources managing multiple contractors. As a one-stop product design company,we guide you from a concept to a ready-made product that looks and feels right.

Full-Service Agency

Experienced Team

Our design team is well-versed in creating visual identities for a variety of brands. We take your business goals into account to create the design your users will rave about!

Experienced Team

Design That Talks To Users

We do not just create a stunning look for your product. We craft digital experiences and map pathways to ensure your users can find what they want.

Design That Talks To Users

Services We Provide

Research & Prototyping

We prepare all the documentation and specifications with a description of features, user stories, use cases, and acceptance criteria for each feature to build a prototype, which is a visual representation of your product.

Research & Prototyping

UX Design

Your app might be appealing and bright, but it turns into a total disaster when being used. Our team applies the best UX practices to create a design that is easy to use and understand.

UX Design

UI Design

An awful interface can ruin the whole user experience, which means this part of a product design can’t be neglected either. We apply the best industry benchmarks and tried and true practices combined with the latest trends to deliver best-in-class UI services.

UI Design

Brand Identity

Each brand is similar to a personality as it has its vision, style, and brand voice. All these aspects define your target audience and your success on the market. Create a unique brand identity with LITSLINK industry experts!

Brand Identity

Usability Testing

How do you know your design works? There are various approaches to evaluation but the best way to find it out is to ask your target audience. We conduct market research and test your design with users to ensure your it

Usability Testing


220+ Accomplished Tech Experts

Our tech specialists are highly skilled in all the latest techs to provide you with high-quality product design services.

Design Department

The high-demand in efficient product design led us to create a full-fledged design department with well-established processes and clear communication.

Dozens of Satisfied Customers

Your success is our core priority. We focus on your goal to ensure you enjoy a competitive edge in the industry and have your goals attained.

Home-Based Talents

LITSLINK is proud to be among the leading product design companies in the US. Whichever request you have, we can provide you with quality onshore or offshore services.

Build Great Products With Top Experts at LITSLINK!

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Our Product Design Process

Product Research

Product Research

We take a deep dive into your product by investigating your business goals, target audience, strategy and project requirements. We also strive to understand how your users will interact with the product to prepare all the relevant documentation required to create a stunning interface.



At this stage, we work on the concept of your product design. We model user journeys, develop interface architecture, create wireframes and a mood board to build a decent brand identity.



Once we agree on the concept, we develop a style guide with the key colors, typography and image assets. Our team also develops a set of micro-interactions and build wireframes required to create a stunning product design.



When the prototype is ready, we proceed to usability testing where we check how your audience interacts with the new design and make edits if necessary.



Upon the delivery, you get a design that perfectly aligns with your business goals and has a decent visual identity that differentiates your product from the rest on the market.

What our clients say

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the software product design process?

Our collaboration begins with a discovery meeting where we immerse into your product and try to explore all the nitty-gritty details about your business, including your goals, mission, core principles, the target audience, etc. All these aspects help us gain a helicopter view of the project and develop the concept that best aligns with your vision.

After we have all the necessary information, we work on ideation, model user journeys and create a mood board. Our professional team of product designers builds wireframes to replicate the application's layout and create a sound brand identity for your product.

Our cooperation does not end halfway through your project. After your app hits the market, we track its performance and maintain it in case you meet any challenges. Once you are ready to scale your product, we are here to help you with your request.

2. Do you have a dedicated team working on my project?

We assemble a dedicated team for every project to ensure your employees are fully immersed in the product design process to provide you with a solution that meets your specific needs.

3. How much does it cost to design an app?

The answer is straightforward ― it depends on your project scope, requirements, and other details that make the foundation of your product design. There are no tried and true practices to come up with accurate project estimation right away.

Thus, the best idea is to contact our software expert to decide on your project's scope and get a ballpark quote.

4. How can I benefit from product design?

Hiring product designers might be the best decision you've ever made. By bringing a professional team on board, you avoid failed investment in the development of unnecessary features and focus on building the functionality your users really need.

Our tech professionals have dozens of projects in their portfolio, which means they know what your audience will rave about and what they will probably neglect. By relying on our designer, you make a smart investment that will pay you off in satisfied customers, positive feedback, and fantastic performance.

Create a Stunning Design For Exceptional User Experience!

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