Use React Native, be like Jean-Claude Van Damme*

in Development

A lot of us have seen the creative advertisement from Volvo in which Mr. van Damme demonstrates his agility. In this article, we would like to demonstrate how React Native technology kills two birds with one stone in the cross-platform mobile software development, no matter what kind of company you are: a startup, mid-sized or big company.

Meanwhile, if you didn’t see Volvo’s masterpiece, have a look.

Use React Native, be like Jean-Claude Van Damme* / LITSLINK blog

The Mobile Age

A few years ago, the correlation between web and mobile was 70/30 in favor of the web. But it should come as no surprise to you that, a few years ago, mobile internet overtook the web. Mobile audiences monopolized the market up to 80%. Today, there are plenty of options of how to enter the mobile market. At the top of these choices are Native IOS/Android, Cordova, Xamarin, and React Native. In case you are looking to move your business to mobile (a must-have these days), you would do better to consider React Native. Why? Taking into account current mobile trends and future predictions, it looks like the next step of the development in this field.

On the other hand, if you don’t have your corporate website or your website is running on another technology, there are few business and technology points which make React Native the best fit for your company.

Business Benefits of React Native

It doesn’t matter who you are– a disruptive startup or profitable company– React Native will suit your needs.

React Native allows re-using most code from an iOS version of your App for the Android version, which (1) reduces development time, (2) reduces costs, and also (3) ensures easier maintenance and updates, as all of your new features will be simultaneously on both platforms. So there will be no such case as it is with Viber, where you have a night theme on Android, but not on iOS.

Startups quite often feel limited in terms of development expenses but keep trying to maximize the chances to become a unicorn. Moreover, these “unicorns” want to move fast, therefore releases and iterations are very important and needed to be under control.

Golden Apple

The most important benefit of React Native is building your app on iOS and Android platforms in parallel. To put it simply, developers don’t need to know two different platforms because React Native runs anywhere. They learn once and code everywhere, no matter if it’s iOS or Android. As a result, you get significant time reduction of development, up to 2 times.

To sum it up, this cross-platform status provides for you the following:

  • You save money and time.

This cross-platform technology will result in at least 40%+ cost reduction (compared to Native), while satisfying app requirements– in most cases– ensures great stability, high performance and easy maintenance. Because the total time of development for both platforms decreases, your total budget burn is much slower. You save your funds for go-to-market points, including deployment, marketing, and sales.

For instance, Bloomberg created its new consumer app for 2 platforms in 5 months. But this media company could have spent 5 months more if they had decided to use another technology.

  • You don’t expand your team without reasons

IOS and Android platforms have different logic, and if you had needed to deal with them in the past, you would have needed two different developers. However, using React Native your integrated team across these two platforms will give you one united vision of the product and limit your expenses. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that a Native developer will be a great help in the case of complicated tasks to resolve. In such a case, the main role of a native software engineer is to develop missing platform plugins if the latter is not freely accessible for the necessary functionality.

  • You get the whole world in one product

Due to a limited budget, in the past you had to take into consideration the specifics of the target market, industry or social groups and prioritized for only one of the platforms for releae: either Android or iOS. Unfortunately, this negative scenario would cost you losing a big group of the users. This is quite a painful perspective for both you and the users. React Native releases you from the unpleasant decision of having to choose, and you get cost-effective access to billions of users around the world on IOS and Android platforms.

  • You will join the club big tech companies

React Native has been a leading development trend for years. Therefore, such startups and now giants of Fortune 500 like Facebook, Bloomberg, Walmart, Instagram, Wix, Soundcloud and others have chosen this cross-platform technology for its efficiency. However, efficiency is not the only reason. Technology limits architectural problems; bugs definitely slow the pace for scalability.

If you want to have a closer look, check out the expanded list on this website.

  • Your development team will give you credit

Various statistics show that about 60% of React Native developers would prefer to continue working on this technology.

  • Better planning of releases

With the help of React Native, it is much easier to plan the release for Apple Store and Android Play Market on the same market.

Technology Benefits of React Native

We as React Native experts could speak for hours about the technology. In order not to make this article look like as ‘Github code-long,’ we will highlight some key technology points.

  • Cross platform code reuse

As mentioned above, you can use up to 90% of code for deployment on iOS as well as on Android. This fantastic option improves implementation time, cognitive overhead of sharing context between developers, and communication.

“Using React Native, the initial implementation on iOS took about 10 days, including bootstrapping all the integrations into our existing infrastructure. We were then able to port the screen over to Android in two days with 100 percent shared UI code between the platforms, saving more than a week of implementation time”

Airbnb ©

  • High performance

In terms of performance, almost as good as native.

However, React Native might be not the best choice for calculation-intensive tasks (i.e. in terms of heavy memory or CPU usage).

Also, complicated UI elements and animations are not the strongest side of the technology.

  • Lesser Maintenance and Update Time

The maintenance time is a lot less. The updates (new features) on both platforms are easier to make. The time it takes to detect bugs is lessened thanks to the modular and intuitive React Native interface.

  • Third-party plugins

React Native can interface with third-party plugins and sensors, including maps, geolocation, barometer, accelerometer and gyroscope, etc.

When you choose React Native, you ship fast a quality code, move faster with releases and experience the magic of cross-platform nature.


*The article does not indicate that the individual Jean-Claude Van Damme personally uses this technology and/or supports its use. The article mentions the person solely for the purpose of education and easy learning for the readers of the blog. The purpose was to help the reader to understand more clearly this technology on a visual and widely-known example from real life. Also, the article does not intend to associate itself with an advertising company or the company Volvo itself. Our company respects and highly regards Volvo’s creativity and attitude on creating its advertisement video.

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