26 Apr, 2024

Great App Development Teams and Where to Find Them

From 2019–2022, app use increased by 46%. People have become increasingly addicted to their phones. Intelligent entrepreneurs know how to capitalize on this affection—by developing apps that people love.

However, making an amazing application is no small feat. It requires a lot of skill, time, and investment. Finding a skillful mobile app development team is one of the main factors in creating a successful app that will blow people away. In this article, we will teach you how to build a dream application development team.

Choosing a Platform: Native or Cross-Platform?

Cross Platform Development

Before assembling your applications team of superhero developers, you need to pick the platform you will develop for. This will determine whether you need an Android or iOS development team or cross-platform developers.

Native Development

Native apps are built for one mobile platform, using exclusive tools and code languages. An Android app typically uses Kotlin or Java, while an iOS application usually requires Objective-C or Swift developers.

Developing for one platform can significantly cut down on development and operating costs. However, if you build a native app for both IOS and Android platforms, expect higher expenses and more difficulty in upkeep since you will be maintaining two separate apps.

Nevertheless, this approach can be beneficial for apps that use mobile hardware to its fullest (like a camera, GPS, microphone, and accelerometer) or complex applications that require many precise calculations (like photo editors, video streaming, animators, or games).

Hiring developers for both iOS and Android app development teams might be overkill for more superficial apps that do not have advanced requirements.


  • Improved performance
  • Access to all native features
  • Enhanced UX, security, and reliability


  • More complicated and expensive with multiple platforms

Cross-Platform Development

App Development Team

If you are considering developing an app for two platforms, it is usually better to go with cross-platform apps. In this case, hire an application development team that knows Flutter, React Native, or similar programming languages. They typically share a single codebase for both platforms and are close to native in 99% of their code.

Cross-platform development is more cost-efficient than doing separate native development for two platforms. Unfortunately, cross-platform apps cannot support all the native features and can sometimes struggle with complex apps.


  • 99% of code similarity for both iOS and Android
  • Native look and feel
  • Faster and more cost-efficient development


  • Restricted access to some native features
  • Might struggle with complex applications

How to Hire Dedicated Mobile App Developers to Create A Profitable App

Now that you know whether you need an iOS or Android development team, it is time to build your dream team. But where exactly do you start?

Decide on Collaboration Type

The first step is to decide on the type of collaboration. There are three types of app development partners.

The first type is an in-house mobile app development team. If you have unlimited money and perfect management, hiring dedicated app developers for your in-house team is the best choice. They care more about your product, will typically stay with you longer, and will grow with your company. 

Unfortunately, an in-house team rarely survives the impact of the real world. Recruiting people for an in-house team takes a long time and requires a great deal of oversight. Unless you are a software company, building an in-house team is rarely the best solution for creating money-making apps.

Most entrepreneurs outsource an app development team. A pre-built team already has the mobile app development team structure and management, so you do not have to worry about recruiting or organizing people. 

Finally, you can turn to freelancers if you have a small project, are short on budget, or have a flexible deadline. However, this also brings many risks: not all freelancers are diligent, and almost none are really interested in your product, so sub-par quality is to be expected. You may find a diamond in the rough who will deliver high quality for a low price, but it’s about as likely as winning the lottery.

*Remember your intellectual property. You can secure your idea using Non-Disclosure Agreements

Check Out The Technical Specification

LITSLINK Build a Profitable App

The technical specification is a starting point for building a profitable app. The technical specs will determine whether the team can make your startup a reality.

The team can begin creating technical specifications after receiving primary information regarding your business. Here’s what it entails:

  • Research (similar apps in the same niche or with similar functionality)
  • Design requirements
  • Basic and additional scenarios for the app use
  • Target audience research
  • Platform (Android or iOS)
  • App launch strategy
  • App maintenance
  • Final cost and app development timeline

Keep Everything Under Control

To get a profitable app, you need to monitor the app development process, regardless of collaboration type. The app owner must also be a manager to gain the desired result. Just remember the key functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

This is an opportunity to avoid complications in the future. Research app wireframing and prototypes carefully. With the help of app prototyping tools, it is possible to see your future app and make edits. App updates and iterations are needed for clarification if you plan to sell the app in the future or hire another team. So, it’s crucial to stay aware of all progress at every stage of development.  

Create a Marketing Team

A technical solution is the main key to success. But even at the app development stage, it’s worth considering your marketing strategy to create profitable apps. Your service package may include the promotion stage when you hire dedicated mobile developers.

When you cooperate with freelancers, find specialists to create an app business plan or pitch deck. Remember to include projected app investment ROI if you plan to find additional investment sources. Think ahead about hiring an app store optimization (ASO) expert who will be responsible for promotion and app analytics.

Hire an App Development Team at LITLINK to Build a Profitable App

The development process can be easy if you find the right team. If you found this article because you are looking to hire dedicated app developers you can rely on, look no further.

LITSLINK is a forward-thinking, top-ranked software development company from the US with nearly a decade of experience. Businesses worldwide have been impressed with our high quality, affordable prices, transparency, and devotion to their products.

We recently finished working on All Quiet, a simple yet powerful incident management app. It was already pretty strong, but we ensured it lived up to its reputation by enhancing the UI and fixing glaring app issues. 

Thanks to LITSLINK, All Quiet now boasts a robust notification system that makes it even easier to manage incidents, allowing users to rest better during their time off without worrying about missing a critical message.

Still not convinced? We have plenty more cases to prove our reputation.


LITSLINK App Development Team

Finding the perfect app-building team is essential for entrepreneurs. The team you choose can be the deciding factor between triumphant success and crushing failure.

Monitoring and controlling the development process is vital, regardless of collaboration type, and deciding on a marketing strategy early on can significantly boost an app’s success. LITSLINK is a top software development company with a proven track record and the expertise to bring your app vision to life.

Scale Your Business With LITSLINK!

Reach out to us for high-quality software development services, and our software experts will help you outpace you develop a relevant solution to outpace your competitors.

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