26 Apr, 2024

What is POC? Beat Tech Issues with Proof-of-Concept to Build Desired Software

Building a software product that meets the users’ needs is challenging. With limited resources and tight deadlines, it’s crucial to test ideas and concepts before embarking on a full-fledged project. That’s where Proof of Concept (POC) comes in. 

This is a valuable tool that allows teams to test their hypotheses and validate their assumptions before investing significant time and resources. According to the recent statistics, 1 out of 3 startups fail because their products don’t fit the market. At the same time, companies that use POCs report improved outcomes, including faster time to market, higher quality products, and better customer experiences. 

In this blog article, we’ll explore a Proof of Concept definition, its role in software development, the benefits and drawbacks it offers, as well as the ways it can help you build better products.

What is Proof of Concept?proof of concept

Generally speaking, Proof of Concept (POC) is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals alike, allowing them to test their ideas and hypotheses in a low-risk environment. It’s a small-scale exercise that can provide big insights, allowing you to gauge the feasibility of your concept and determine whether it’s worth pursuing further.

By creating a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP), you can assess the product’s usability, evaluate effectiveness, and identify potential problems. This information can help you make informed decisions about whether to invest more time, effort, and resources into developing your idea, or pivot to a new direction.

While diving deeper into the Proof of Concept meaning, it becomes clear that POCs are not only useful for businesses, but they’re also great for individuals looking to validate their ideas before taking the leap into entrepreneurship. Proof-of-Concept is a cost-effective way to test your idea and get valuable feedback without making a large investment upfront.

Overall, POC is a valuable tool that allows you to test the waters before jumping in headfirst. By conducting a Proof of Concept testing, you can save time, money, and energy by determining whether your idea is viable before committing to a full-scale project.

What is Proof of Concept in Software Development: Benefits and Drawbacksproof of concept

A Proof of Concept in software development is usually a small-scale project that is designed to test the feasibility of a concept or technology. It typically involves building a basic version of a software product or feature to test its functionality, performance, and user experience. POC is usually focused on answering the question of “can it be done?

According to the recent industry report, 78.75% of respondents are either fully or partially satisfied with the results that their businesses face thanks to POC. This growth is attributed to the increasing adoption of the Proof of Concept testing in industries such as healthcare, financial services, and retail, where it is being used to develop new products and technologies.

Proof of Concept is crucial in software development because it allows you to identify potential problems at the very beginning. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and prevent you from investing significant time and resources into a project that may not be feasible. POC also provides valuable insights into user needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor the product to meet the demand.

Benefits of POC:

  • Identify issues from the beginning: It helps you identify potential problems early in the development process, allowing you to address them before they become more costly and time-consuming to fix.
  • Mitigate future risk: By testing the viability of a concept before investing significant resources into its further development, you can mitigate the risk of failure.
  • Gather feedback: POC provides an opportunity to gather feedback from potential customers and stakeholders, allowing you to tailor your product to meet their needs.
  • Secure funding: A successful Proof of Concept can help you secure funding and support from stakeholders who may be hesitant to invest in an untested concept.

Drawbacks of POC:

  • Limited scope: POC is a small-scale exercise that may not provide a complete picture of the viability of a concept or technology.
  • Time-consuming process: it can be time-consuming to develop and execute the Proof of Concept, especially if the concept is complex.
  • High costs: POC requires a significant investment of time, resources, and money.
  • False positives: Even a successful Proof of Concept testing does not necessarily guarantee success of the final product, as certain factors may change between these stages.

Inspiring success stories

One of the most famous Proof of Concept examples is the photo-sharing app, Instagram. The founders built a small-scale version of the app to test its technical specifications and functionality before investing significant resources into further development. The POC helped them identify potential flaws and refine the app’s design, resulting in its eventual success.

Another successful Proof of Concept example is what the digital payment platform, Venmo, did. The founders used a POC to test the viability of the platform and gather feedback from early users. This helped them refine the platform’s features and user experience. That led to the company’s acquisition by PayPal.

Proof of Concept Vs Prototypeproof of concept

The core difference between POC and prototype approaches lies in their focus. Proof of Concept is focused on testing the feasibility, while prototypes — on testing the functionality and user experience of a whole product.

According to recent studies, POC is one of the most effective methods for evaluating emerging technologies and their potential impact on business processes, with respondents saying that software Proof of Concept is effective or very effective in their organizations.

Prototyping, on the other hand, is a process of creating a working model of a software product or some technical specifications that can be tested and refined before the final version is developed. The goal of a prototype is to test the functionality, usability, and user experience of an app or its features with real users to gather feedback and improve the end product before release.

According to a survey conducted by the Nielsen Norman Group, prototyping is an effective method for identifying usability issues early in the product development lifecycle, with 85% of respondents saying that it helps them identify design problems before implementation.

Proof of Concept Vs MVP

A minimum viable product or MVP is a working version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early adopters and gather feedback for future development. The goal is to create a functional software or app that can be tested in the real world with real users to validate assumptions, gather feedback and come up with a clear early vision. MVP is focused on answering the question of “should it be done?

Although the Proof of Concept and MVP methods share some similarities, such as testing the viability of a concept, they differ in their scope, purpose, and audience. POC is focused on testing the feasibility of a concept, while MVP is focused on testing the viability of a product. Software Proof of Concept is typically used internally to validate an idea before investing significant resources, while MVP is used externally to gather feedback from early adopters and iterate on the product.

In terms of scope, POC is typically a smaller exercise than a minimum viable product, as it’s focused on testing a specific feature or technology. MVP, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive product that includes enough features to be usable by early adopters.

While Proof-of-Concept and MVP are both important in software development, they serve different purposes and are aimed at different audiences. POC is a small-scale exercise designed to test the feasibility of a concept or technology, while MVP is a working version of a product with plenty of features to gather feedback and first metrics.

Proof of Concept Vs Pilot

Proof of Concept and pilot are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Both POC and pilot share some similarities, such as testing the effectiveness of a product or feature, but they also differ in their scope and execution. 

A pilot is a larger-scale trial of a product or feature that is conducted in a real-world setting. The goal of a pilot is to test the product or feature in a real-world environment with real users to determine its effectiveness and identify any issues that may arise. Pilots are usually focused on answering the question “does it work?

Proof of Concept in software development is typically a smaller exercise than a pilot, as it’s focused on testing a specific point. Pilots, on the other hand, involve a larger group of users and are typically conducted over a longer period of time to gather more data and feedback.

In terms of purpose, the Proof of Concept is typically used internally to validate a software idea before investing significant resources, while pilots are used externally to gather feedback from users and stakeholders. POC is focused on testing the feasibility of a concept, while pilots are focused on testing the effectiveness of an application or its particular feature in a real-world setting.

Our Expert Proof of Concept Checklist

POC can save time, money, and resources in the long run by avoiding potential roadblocks or issues early in the development process. In essence, POC helps teams mitigate risks and increase their chances of success by providing a solid foundation to build upon. 

We created a Proof of Concept checklist that software development project teams can use to ensure they cover all vital aspects during the process.

  1. Clearly define the problem you are trying to solve with this approach, document each statement.
  2. Determine the scope of the Proof of Concept, considering all the features and functionalities included.
  3. Define success criteria, including the goals you want to achieve and the metrics you will need to measure performance.
  4. Identify the risks associated with the Proof of Concept testing. This can be technical, resource and budget risks.
  5. Define the budget for the POC. Don’t forget to include the resources and tools needed to complete all the phases.
  6. Determine the timeline with all the milestones and deadlines for each phase of the project.
  7. Select the team members who will be involved in the Proof of Concept process, prescribe their roles and responsibilities, share this information clearly while onboarding.
  8. Determine the tools and technology, including the Proof of Concept software and hardware.
  9. Plan the execution of your POC. It should definitely include but not be limited to the methodology, the testing plan, and the data collection process.
  10. Evaluate the results of the Proof of Concept, and document the findings to inform future decision-making.


As we’ve seen, Proof of Concept (POC) can revolutionize the software development process by enabling teams to test their ideas before committing significant resources. By building a basic version of a software product, teams can evaluate its feasibility and determine whether it’s worth pursuing further. 

In today’s fast-paced, competitive environment, it’s crucial to use POCs to stay ahead of the game. So, if you want to build better products faster and with greater confidence, start incorporating POCs into your development process.

By the way, if you already have a software idea for your future project, we will walk you through the whole process from POC or MVP to successful release — just contact our software development company.

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