23 Feb, 2024

How Voice Technology Can Level Up Your App?

If you’ve been wondering whether voice technology worth attention or it is a flash in the pan, the answer has already been found. Even the most skeptical users have to admit voice-based solutions are gathering pace even faster than it was expected. With more than 35 million users in the United States, Alexa, Siri and Cortana have become new friends of Millenials and their peers in Y and X generations.

Large, small and medium-size businesses couldn’t help but notice this growing trend. Capital One Commercial Bank has already integrated AI voice technology in its app to increase user engagement. This upgrade allowed customers to pay their bills or check account status using their voice. The result was fantastic – a new wave of users swamped the bank. Have you been wondering how such solutions can benefit your business? With substantial expertise in the field, we provide you with the main stats & facts on voice assistants, uncover the primary pitfalls and come up with practical recommendations on how to boost your app’s performance with cutting-edge solutions.

What is Actually Voice Technology?

You’ve probably heard of Siri, Alexa and Cortana. We address them daily with a variety of requests starting from setting up alarms and ending up with making suggestions on what dish to cook for dinner. However, beyond the common misconception, voice technology applications go far beyond than that. Businesses of all sizes have already realized the growing potential of these solutions.

“In fact, voice technology can be explained as the ability of a software or device to get and interpret a piece of speech and understand commands with the help of artificial intelligence.”

Voice Technology by the Numbers

If you are still in two minds on whether voice technology can remain popular, just have a look at the following figures:

  • According to eMarketer, more than 100 million US people are expected to use voice recognition tech in 2019
  • The statistics research indicates an increase of 9,6% in the number of voice-tech users
  • Approximately 40% of Internet users prefer voice requests to written ones
  • Amazon forecasts a rise in the purchases of Echo devices (Amazon is going to sell more 113 million during the next several years)
  • Smartphones and tablets are the most popular devices among voice tech users
  • Gartner states that 30% of all web browsing requests will be processed using voice
  • Millennials represent the primary target audience of voice-based apps, but such tech is quickly gathering pace among users of all age groups.

Voice technology trends infographic | Litslink blog

The figures point out to a positive tendency as voice recognition technology will become more widespread in the next decade. What does it mean for you? The application of cutting-edge solutions might help you to anticipate future changes and bring your business to a brand-new level.

Voice Technology Trends

Voice technology solutions have gained its application in a variety of spheres, including social media, fintech, edtech, and tourism. This field has grown into an extensive ecosystem with separate components, layers and blocks. In order not to complicate things further, we have visualized this structure in the following infographic:

Voice technology solutions examples | Litslink blog

Bringing state-of-the-art solutions benefits businesses across all domains by providing companies with a competitive edge. We analyzed one of the most popular spheres for the application of voice solutions and came up with the following observations:

  • Social Media. Voice search craze has already revolutionized the way people use their social media accounts and consume content. For instance, Alexa can be integrated with your Twitter to read news from the feed. Additionally, voice software changed the way users search for information on the web: they tend to formulate requests by asking questions rather than typing keywords in Google. It means businesses should align their content to directly answer “how” “what” and “who” questions.
  • Edtech. Voice technology solutions have recently been widely applied in education. Numerous educational institutions in the USA use voice software to meet the needs of students with disabilities. For instance, voice-based apps help children with dyslexia with reading aloud and fixing grammar mistakes.
  • Fintech. If you are working in fintech and think that investment in voice-based solutions is a waste of money, you are wrong. A number of banks and consulting companies have introduced custom voice assistants to improve user experience. For instance, Capital One Bank uses voice-activated technology to let users perform daily operations on the go. You can process transactions, check accounts and pay bills within several seconds using voice commands. For busy managers, it can be quite a convenient solution.

Voice Technologies to Level Up Your App

  • Voice search. Alexa and Siri cope perfectly well with users’ requests. Why don’t you use the same approach in your app? Asking online assistants is a piece of cake, which means your users will quickly catch up on this trend. Most websites and online shops contain a large volume of information and searching for the necessary post or product might be exhausting. Introduce voice-based assistants and simplify this process for your customers!
  • Text processing. Writing emails on the go is easier than ever before. With voice recognition software, you can dictate a message while eating dinner or driving to your workplace. This feature is expected to be in demand in social media as it will simplify the way users create, share and distribute content.
  • Online consultants. Do you have an ecommerce project with lots of items in stock? A wide range of goods provides buyers with the possibility to choose a product that perfectly meets their needs. At the same time, with such a rich selection, customers can get confused and go from your website. To overcome this challenge, you can get the advantage of online assistants. These smart consultants can detect users requests and answer customers’ questions.

Wrapping Up

The potential of voice technology in business is tremendous. Regardless of whether you want to extend the functionality of an existing app or create a new one from scratch, voice-based solutions should be your number one choice. LITSLINK has all the necessary resources to upgrade your business. Contact us, and we will arrange a call to discuss the ways to bring your ideas to life with skilled and experienced software experts.

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