22 Apr, 2024

Multimodal Generative AI: A Comprehensive Overview

Whether you are chronically online or happen to roam the Internet once in a while, one day, you will inevitably stumble upon an “AI-generated” label. It is everywhere—on texts, videos, and photos. And if today, it might be relatively easy to tell the difference between human-made and AI-generated content, advancements in AI are blurring this line. 

According to Mike Gioia, the co-founder of Pickaxe, Apple may soon introduce a new feature called “Photographed on iPhone,” enabling users to differentiate between real and AI-generated photos. It is more irrefutable proof that generative AI  will soon reach new heights in quality and authenticity, to the point where you cannot tell online content apart.

Generating information occupies a large share of the overall usage of artificial intelligence. According to Forbes Advisor, 45% of all AI use accounts for crafting messages and emails, followed by answering financial questions and planning itineraries. While there are many text-, video-, or sound-generating machines, the real winners are those that combine all these features—multimodal generative AI.

What is Multimodal AI?

what is multimodal ai

Multimodal AI is a state-of-the-art technology that can generate different types of content by analyzing multimodal datasets. It is trained to understand the intricacies of various modalities, like text, image, and video formats, and how to make them work together. With the help of multimodal artificial intelligence solutions, you can achieve such results: 

  • Generate images using text descriptions, and vice versa, create text descriptions from the pictures. 
  • Analyze videos by identifying the objects and summarizing what is happening in the video.
  • Interact with artificial intelligence and help it enhance its performance.  
  • Use voice inputs to talk with the AI assistant and ask to perform specific tasks, like turning on the music or providing you with the information immediately. 
  • Use images and text prompts to create 3D object visualizations. 

What makes multimodal generative AI so unique? 

multimodal generative ai

The advent of multimodal AI is a big step in technology. It elevates artificial intelligence to the level of the human brain, which also perceives information through various senses and makes sophisticated and detailed conclusions. Let’s take a look at how utilizing multimodal AI applications can enhance your user experience: 

  • Unprecedented level of creativity. Multimodal AI opens your eyes to entirely different perspectives. It generates fresh, out-of-the-box ideas that will easily stand out in any sphere, whether entertainment, tech, or education
  • Profound insights. The abundance of information processed and analyzed allows multimodal AI to understand the question better and uncover previously undetected solutions. 
  • Accelerated efficiency. Multimodal AI frees you from mundane tasks that would otherwise consume considerable time and energy. It can schedule meetings, respond to emails, and perform other assignments from your daily to-do list. 
  • Quicker learning. Multimodal AI catches up on complex notions more quickly, thus making its answers to questions more reliable and accurate. 
  • Customized experience. By analyzing the data you provide and closely observing your interactions with multimodal AI, it becomes possible to identify your unique behavioral patterns and preferences. This, in turn, enables the system to personalize its outputs to cater to your specific needs more effectively. You can expect a more natural and intuitive response from multimodal AI regarding your requests. 

Where to apply multimodal AI

generative ai multimodal

Multimodal AI models can become a valuable addition to many businesses across many sectors. Here is where it will bring impressive results: 


  • Customer support Multimodal AI excels at understanding natural language, which makes it ideal for addressing complex customer cases. It also quickly grasps the context of the situation and provides the most accurate and personalized recommendations. Add to this being available 24/7, and you get a perfect customer specialist who handles queries within minutes. These AI capabilities will contribute to increased customer satisfaction.
  • HealthcareMultimodal AI can give a more in-depth look into patients’ well-being and create a personalized treatment plan by analyzing data from different sources. It can use this information to predict potential complications and diseases. Virtual AI assistants can provide patients with 24/7 support, for example, reminding them to take medications or answering their questions. 
  • Entertainment — More affordable and user-friendly applications and websites can help you generate the most engaging photos and videos with minimal effort. Multimodal AI will bring multiple templates that might diversify social media and advertisement content. No need for manual editing will save costs and time. 
  • E-commerceMultimodal AI models process users’ information and create recommendations based on their preferences. Virtual Try-Ons visualize how the product would look on the customer. 
  • Education — To provide a more effective learning experience, multimodal AI models will cater to each student’s unique needs and preferences. This can be achieved by creating personalized learning materials, adjusting the pace and delivery of the content based on the learner’s progress, and offering immediate feedback.
  • Training —  With the help of image and video content, multimodal AI models can train employees in various skills, from customer service to product knowledge. The beauty of AI-powered training is that it can be customized to fit the specific needs of each employee and the organization. 

Multimodal AI giants 

multimodal ai examples

ChatGPT, the savior of all, is one of the most remarkable multimodal AI examples. With its straightforward interface, it gives everybody the chance to create something unique. The latest version of ChatGPT, GPT-4 with Vision, is even handier with contexts, thus reducing the probability of mistakes. Also, the voice recognition feature significantly helps visually impaired people use artificial intelligence.

In December 2023, the world saw the emergence of another multimodal AI Google Gemini. It comprises of three models: 

  • Gemini Ultra is the most robust prototype, which can conduct the most complex inquiries. 
  • Gemini Pro caters to most users and provides a wide range of services. 
  • Gemini Nano is the least potent and is suitable for smaller devices like mobile phones. 

Google Gemini is a sophisticated and reliable AI-powered assistant that can help you process and analyze different types of information. It is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to a broad range of users, from beginners to experts. One of the key features of Google Gemini is its ability to generate advanced codes upon request. With its exceptional analytical skills, this powerful tool can analyze vast academic texts or data sets. 

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The challenges that arise with multimodal AI

multimodal ai model

Multimodal AI can be biased and discriminatory. It operates on databases. So, if there is a lack of information on specific topics or the data gathered is already subjective, the artificial intelligence machine can provide flawed output. AI can also make up facts, generally known as “hallucinating.” 

Ironically enough, generative AI can be at fault for its inadequacy. It allows people to create thousands of fake images and videos that flood the Internet. Such human actions are meant to spread misinformation and disrupt major social or political events such as elections, but they inevitably influence the judgment of multimodal AI. 

Another crucial matter is security and data privacy. With so much personal information (names, addresses, images, and videos) shared with artificial intelligence, there will always be concerns about who can access all this data and how they could potentially use it. 

Additionally, AI can gather information about people’s preferences and behavioral patterns. If this gets into the wrong hands, there is always the risk of manipulating users’ actions. 

The advancement of multimodal AI can significantly contribute to job losses. Current statistics state that 14% of people worldwide have lost their positions due to the implementation of AI. But is there a guarantee that this number will stay more or less the same? Time and further upgrades of multimodal AI will tell. For now, some experts contemplate that the worst-case scenario is that by 2030, AI will replace 800 million people. 

Wrapping up

The development of multimodal AI is an essential milestone in the progress of artificial intelligence. One of its most significant advantages is bringing humans and machines closer to thinking alike. By combining multiple modes of input, such as text, image, and speech, multimodal AI systems have the potential to transform various industries, including healthcare, education, entertainment, and customer service.

There is no point in running from it — multimodal AI is inevitable. Instead, we should take full advantage of its features to create a more comfortable life and build a greater future for the next generations.

If you are determined to make a difference with the help of AI, we invite you to join forces with us. Our AI services will breathe life into your ideas, so don’t hesitate to contact us!


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