Coronavirus Crisis
While most of the world is worrying about the coronavirus crisis, the IT industry comes up with tons of potential solutions. Get to know the latest news on how the IT world is trying to manage the virus with our blog.

COVID-19 Tracing Apps: How Do They Work in Different Countries?
Imagine standing in the supermarket line when your phone buzzes, and you already know what it means — a notification from a newly launched tracing app. Somebody, you don’t even know who, has...

How AI Can Help Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic: Top Applications
Would you allow a machine to treat you for coronavirus or check whether you stick to lockdown restrictions? Not sure? Impressively, AI occurs to be an effective tool in the fight against the novel...

Will we go virtual? How COVID-19 is transforming AR and VR markets?
The coronavirus has hit the world unexpectedly and many countries are currently on lockdown — you can hardly find a government that hasn’t been affected by the COVID-19 and coronavirus cases can be...

How Tech Companies Like Apple and Tesla Contribute to the Fight Against COVID-19
Nobody could predict the arrival of the global economic crisis in the first quarter of 2020. It was like a nightmare from a bad dream. All of a sudden, all business sectors went down and stock...

How Should Employers Respond to Coronavirus? LITSLINK Case
As COVID-19 pandemic spreads around the world, thousands of new cases are being diagnosed every day. As of March 21, the World Health Organization reported 234 073 confirmed cases globally with 6 new...

What Does a Global Economic Crisis Hold for Startups?
The world is teetering now from the arriving financial crisis and coronavirus pandemic. On March 9, 2020, a stock market crash happened known as a Black Monday. On this date, DJIA went down by nearly...

Top 10 Tools for Remote Employees To Cope with Workflow In Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus outbreak spreads panic over the world at lightning speed. Donald Trump announced a 30-day travel ban for EU citizens to the US. In his speech, he mentioned:“The European Union failed...

Top Ten Tools for Monitoring Your Remote Employees In The Age of The Coronavirus
Probably a lot of business owners used to think that an opportunity to work remotely is a personal whim of lazy employees. But the situation with the coronavirus outbreak proved the opposite. Working...

Working Remotely in Coronavirus Crisis: All the Tips and Pitfalls of Remote Working
As coronavirus pandemic spreads throughout the world, affecting more and more human lives, businesses across all domains have to prepare to adapt to the changing conditions. Numerous multi-billion...