Swift App Development Services

Create upmarket mobile & desktop apps as well as cloud services with Swift. Swift is a ahead-of-time programming language that is nothing like its predecessors in the “C” category. It uses an innovative approach to safety, performance, and software designs making app development and maintenance a piece of cake

Reach out to LITSLINK — a top Swift app development company — and crack the top apps in the market!

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Swift App Development Services

Why Swift is the Best Match For You

Enhanced productivity

Swift app development services focus on enhancing production. It helps get a better automating experience, thus improving workflows and contributing towards streamlined developmental processes.

Enhanced productivity

Dynamic Library Support

The Swift Core Libraries project extends the Swift standard library with higher-level capabilities. These libraries provide developers with powerful tools that work across all of Swift's supported platforms.

Dynamic Library Support

Easier To Fix Bugs

Swift features allow identifying and repairing code mistakes on the fly, drastically decreasing the time and effort required for bug fixes and removing the risk of delivering low-quality code.

Easier To Fix Bugs

Compatibility Devices & Browsers

Swift solutions are compatible with a wide range of browsers and devices across fixed and mobile devices. In such a way, your users can enjoy the great cross-platform experience.

Compatibility Devices & Browsers

Swift App Development Services

Swift App Support & Maintenance

We offer comprehensive mobile app maintenance services across many sectors for all types of mobile apps. Our team can build secure and efficient applications using a creative approach and the best Swift development practices.

Swift App Support & Maintenance

Custom Swift App Development

By delivering native iOS, Android, or cross-platform solutions, LITSLINK Swift app development services are customized to meet your unique needs. We stick to the high standards of iOS and Android app design and development.

Custom Swift App Development


Skilled Team

Our 300+ software engineers are best-in-class professionals who are well-versed in cutting-edge techs. They keep an eye on new development and design trends to deliver the best products to our clients.

Expertise in a Variety of Industries

Our top-notch team can build any Swift-based app you need, whether it's for business, healthcare, or education. Swift is widely used in many sectors, and we have experience working with a number of them.

US-based Swift App Development Company

LITSLINK, a Swift App development company located in Palo Alto, California. We operate on a global scale and have R & D offices across Eastern Europe. It makes us more accessible to all of our customers. No matter where you are located, we’re ready to help!

Flexible Hiring Options

Collaboration should be beneficial to all parties involved. We provide our clients the option of how they wish to collaborate with us. We'll go through all of your options and come up with the best solution for your organization.

Build up an incredible product with Swift development services!

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Tech Stack


  • SnapKit
  • Alamofire
  • MVP
  • MVVM
  • Push notification
  • Sockets
  • Core animation
  • MultyTrading
  • CoreData
  • Objective-C
  • Biometric authentication


  • Services
  • Appsfiler
  • Flurry
  • Firebase
  • CocoaPods
  • Swift package manager
  • Git
  • Stripe


  • Swift UI
  • Combine
  • Realm
  • Apple authentication
  • Unit tests
  • Modular frameworks
  • In-app purchases


  • Distribution
  • Bitrise
  • Fastlane
  • Fastlane

Still looking for a reliable and productive Swift App development company?

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can Swift programming be used for?

The Swift language was created to make it possible to build a wide range of applications, including systems programming, mobile and desktop apps, and cloud services. Most significantly, Swift is intended to make it easier for developers to write and maintain bug-free applications.

2. Why is Swift faster?

Swift is a faster, less error-prone, and more interactive coding language that opens up new possibilities for developers. It’s performance is comparable to that of C++, which set the high barin algorithm calculating arithmetic. Swift's comprehensible syntax prevents multiple problems that may occur in Objective-C. That’s why, this programming language is now a superior choice for iOS development because of all of these factors.

3. Can I estimate the pricing of my product?

To receive an estimate on the cost of your future Swift project, utilize our cost calculator. Just answer a few questions about your project, and it’ll help you find out how much it will cost. Besides, you may also learn a lot about the market and the features of your future app, such as cross-platform functionality, realtime chat, WiFi or Bluetooth connection, and so on.

Introduce the World to a New Revolutionary App With LITSLINK!

Reach out to LITSLINK, Swift App developing company,
and get an awesome solution fitted to your business’ needs!

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