22 Apr, 2024

What E-Learning Software Solutions Are Worth Applying And For What Cases?

What is e-learning? Let’s keep it simple: all websites and programs you use for education are called e-learning software. Read this article to find out what apps and websites can help you solve math problems, cheer up your students, and make the educational process easy, pleasant, and fun. Get some inspiration before increasing your outstanding e-learning platform!

What Are E-Learning Software Solutions? 

E-learning has proved to be one of the most important developments in the commercial sector. Especially noticed when training programs are conducted by MNCs, as professionals all across the globe can use such apps simultaneously. In such a case, your place and time zone don’t matter at all. Moreover, the schools, seminaries, and colleges that use E-learning technologies are a step ahead of those that still have the traditional approach to literacy. 

Online studying solutions continue to expand each day. Through induction into the companies, e-learning increases the level of productivity, as well as the level of education. What’s more, this software helps to close the schooling gap by creating a specific experience that can’t be provided by the traditional approach.

Nowadays, we have more complex solutions like online education systems. This is a perfect opportunity to effectively manage a large flow of students and quickly develop courses. Such systems provide templates and pre-designed additional modules that allow solving the issue of organizing training and workshops in multidisciplinary educational institutions.


Which Types Of Educational Software Exist?

E-learning software has become an indispensable tool for tutors and apprentices as a part of the educational process. Due to the National Center of Education Statistics, the integration of these systems into classrooms has increased students’ and teachers’ productivity. Today you can find e-learning programs for a wide variety of subjects. Furthermore, educational software companies release web and mobile applications that learners and teachers can use no matter where they are. 

There are types of e-learning software that can be applied in educational institutions:

  1. Authoring System
  2. Graphic Software
  3. Reference Software
  4. Desktop Publishing
  5. Tutorial Software
  6. Educational Games
  7. Simulators
  8. Drill And Exercise Software
  9. Utility Software
  10. Special Needs Software


Appropriate Solutions For Every Case 

The role of online education becomes higher each day, especially after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The market offers hundreds of e-learning solutions for students from all over the world. Thus, today it is quite difficult to choose a suitable and unique software to develop. This is why we gathered a few popular options of programs for students and teachers.

E-Learning Mobile Apps 

Mobile technology has made smartphones as functional as computers, which opens up great opportunities for e-learning. The studying process becomes more interactive, as the whole world has been forced to switch to remote work and studying in recent years. We notice an active creation of online educational software that helps you learn even from your phone. Almost all educational platforms are compatible with mobiles, so you can freely access them from anywhere. 

EdTech Platforms 

The EdTech platform is a wide term. It’s used as a word for e-learning as well as a general name for any techs for the educational process. It includes technologies that help with offline studying, such as interactive whiteboards in academic classrooms. Some experts refer to EdTech platforms as bloggers on social media, who sell educational courses to their audience. When EdTech was created, the only format was websites, but nowadays  this platform includes:

  • Online seminaries and courses
  • Educational apps for smartphones 
  • VR simulators
  • Commercial literacy platforms
  • Electronic systems that are used in educational institutions
  • Other training outfits and technologies

The commodity is constantly changing in the EdTech assiduity. So at the moment, those who work with educational platforms need to analyze trends and follow them. 



It has been proven that entertainment helps us not only to have fun but also to study. Teachers and psychologists around the world agree that games help improve learning and develop key cognitive skills of the child. Play is a simulator of life. If children are good at it, it will be easier for them to succeed in other life endeavors.

Educational Websites 

Educational websites are one of the most popular sources of information. Web-based e-learning systems include colorful electronic books, laboratory practicals, and lecture courses, as well as spots for testing and evaluation of knowledge. 

Here you can find some types of e-learning websites that may be suitable for your purposes:

  • Websites for scientific exploration. They will help you figure out academic information and increase your worldview. Here you can find articles, documents, scholarly facts, statistics, etc.
  • Websites of competitive Internet systems. They help to create a link between teachers and students and can improve their qualifications.
  • Educational web services. These sites produce and store educational products in real-time.


Apps For Scholars  

The development of mobile technology brings endless changes to the e-learning industry and the invention of e-Learning mobile apps. In the 21st century, many software for scholars was created to help them with the education process and comfortable access to new knowledge. Such applications speed up students’ learning. 

Apps For Tutors

Now all the tutors are forced to switch to remote mode, but it is not easy for everyone. There is an active development of software that could simplify teaching online, both for instructors and their students. These applications can be, for example, programs for video calls, electronic journals with grades, apps for communication between tutors and scholars, etc.


What To Choose If Several Options Are Appropriate?  

If it seems to you that several solutions mentioned above are suitable, we recommend evaluating each one separately. Unless you focus on one or a maximum of two choices to boost your students’ performance, you may face problems such as:

  • Limited budget. In this case, you will concrete not on the quality of your e-learning software, but the quantity. Thus, your app or website won’t be well-equipped with unique and necessary features.
  • Staff onboarding. It will take some time to train tutors to work with new software, even if it’s intuitively understandable. Imagine if there were 2 or more apps at the same time — this would cause much miscommunication and misunderstanding.

Wrapping up

The possibility to combine education with work and private life makes a schedule convenient for people with limited mobility and those who prefer a relaxed lifestyle. The eLearning industry helps academics adapt to the challenges of the times, develops autonomy, and provides many opportunities. In the near future, this type of studying is likely to become more and more popular and applicable. 

From this article, you discovered all the main types of online education apps that can increase students’ performance. We are always open to your new ideas and projects. 

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