26 Jun, 2024

AI in Recruitment: How to Apply the Technology in the Hiring Process

In the entire hiring process, AI transforms everything it touches. Using algorithms and machine learning, AI reviews candidate resumes and profiles to weed out qualified candidates. It also automatically schedules interviews and initial evaluation tests for recruiters to attend to the deeper evaluation of potential candidate matches

An AI-driven recruiting chatbot can provide an immediate response and guidance to the applicant, raising their satisfaction at being answered instantly and helping in ways they may not have known about. Companies that integrate artificial intelligence in recruiting could make recruiting procedures more efficient and data-driven, providing an excellent and intelligent candidate experience.

AI in Recruitment: The Impact

Another example of recruiting AI is the automation process that reduces bias (Jobylon). More than 43% of HR experts use the technology, and experts predict that the overall market will reach $1.8 billion globally by 2030. 

According to a recent Garnet survey, 76% of talent leaders believe that recruitment has also been revolutionized with the help of artificial intelligence employment. According to the Newxel article, “Organizations are using AI for recruiting in significantly higher numbers, and AI’s role in modernizing hiring processes and making them more effective only seems to be increasing.”

As explained by Occupop in its research, “AI in recruitment – How to avoid disaster,” AI in recruitment is indeed transformational. And according to a LinkedIn report, 67% of employers responded that AI saves time, 43% see a decrease in human bias, 31% feel an improved candidate selection process, and 30% report a flow of cost reduction. 

artificial intelligence in recruiting

The use of AI in HR recruitment is restructuring the recruiting procedure. AI provides responsiveness to recruiters and decreases biases while refining their abilities to select the best-fitting candidates. Furthermore, AI supports diversity in the workplace and offers an extra appealing and exciting experience to applicants, tying them to a personalized recruitment process. According to an SHRM study, 79% of HR departments use AI for recruitment and hiring. 

In the United States, the global AI recruitment market was valued at $610.3 million in 2021 and is projected to reach $890.51 million by 2028, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate of 6.5%. This makes sense, as AI offers more online sourcing services to be exported to fix inappropriate online interaction purchases. 

Ways to Use AI in Recruitment

There are several aspects of the hiring process that AI recruitment can improve. These are:

Resume Screening

AI for recruiters in resume screening revolutionizes the recruitment process, bringing advantages that alleviate the limitations of traditional methods. These smart systems concentrate on improving efficiency, accuracy, and the delivery of an unbiased view of the candidate, thereby smoothening the process for both recruiters and job seekers.

Key Advantages of AI in Resume Screening: Will AI Replace Recruiters?

  • Efficiency and time savings. AI-based recruiting enables faster resume processing by analyzing thousands of candidate data in minutes, allowing the recruiter to concentrate on strategic tasks. 
  • Unbias the unconscious. AI eliminates surface details from applications, leading to much fairer assessments based on skill and qualifications rather than name and demographics. 
  • Scalability. To put it more precisely, AI can handle the volume. This is a giant differentiator when an average job post receives nearly 250 job candidates
  • Better Candidate Shortlisting. AI uses predefined and consistent criteria to sort out a shortlist of quality candidates, unlike traditional methods that may use subjective criteria. Through this, AI-driven recruiting improves the quality of the match for candidate qualifications and job requirements. 
  • Cost. Screening automation reduces the cost of recruitment by saving resources and time that would have been used for manual screening. 
  • Quality of Hires. AI and recruiting use objective analysis to help identify the right qualified candidate, which then leads to better hires due to the performance level difference and outcomes from AI and manual screening.

Disadvantages of AI in Recruitment: Challenges and Ethical Considerations

AI recruiting solutions are associated with several drawbacks that require clear management:

  • Bias and Fairness – According to Hirebee, even if AI systems help lessen unconscious bias, the​y “can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the training data.” Regular auditing and human intervention are necessary measures to reduce these risks​. 
  • Data Privacy – The process of collecting and processing candidate data through AI systems is a privacy concern. 
  • Transparency and Explainability – The complexity of the AI algorithm may cause the​ screening process to be opaque. 

Implementing AI Resume Screening

Organizations considering integrating AI tools for recruiting into their hiring process should keep the following key takeaways in mind:

  1. Select the Right AI tool for recruitment: Determine which AI screening tools work best with the organization’s current applicant tracking system and accommodate its unique needs​​. 
  2. Establish Appropriate Criteria: Screening out the most qualified candidates should be guided by employer-set criteria​​.
  3. Ensure Ethical Use: Making data-based decisions does not excuse biases, and data-handling principles can be more humane​​​.

artificial intelligence in recruiting

Candidate Sourcing with Artificial Intelligence and Recruitment

The technology can expedite the recruitment process while reducing the risk of human error or bias, ensuring fair hiring. As a result, AI in recruitment and selection contributes to the speedy development of hiring quality​​​. 

Artifacts, including artificial intelligence-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS), automate and enhance many vital stages of the recruitment process, such as resume sifting and AI candidate sourcing. The software’s algorithms analyze candidate data to rapidly target the top applicants and supply chatbots to help with candidate engagement. As a result, these AI tools for recruitment shorten time-to-fill, elevate the applicant experience, reduce recruitment prejudice, and facilitate fast, efficient scaling.​

Using traditional sourcing approaches and artificial intelligence AI methods for side-by-side sourcing emphasizes the differences in the advancement of recruiting practices. Activists reduce the elapsed and execution times per candidate, resulting in a better candidate experience. 

As the war for human resources heats up, artificial intelligence will play a critical role in finding applicants. The recruiting software allows recruiting firms to identify suitable applicants from a large pool of potential candidates on several AI recruitment platforms using artificial intelligence. Thanks to ample capacity and machine learning, artificial intelligence source tools promise a triumphant tomorrow, growing progressively more competent and effective​. 

Organizations that utilize the most effective recruitment AI tools have empowered their hiring process to recruit personnel more efficiently and equitably than ever. 

Deployment of AI-Powered Recruitment Chatbots for Initial Screening

Thanks to AI, chatbots have gradually redefined the conventional hiring process. First, they are used to facilitating AI candidate screening. They help automate and speed up the first rounds of interviews by asking relevant questions. They also help engage with candidates in other ways by answering the most frequently asked questions, doing the most relevant candidate surveys, and making small talk with personalized messages. That makes chats more accessible than manual assistance and allows using chats to reach out to workers overseas. 

Since AI-based recruitment chatbots can connect with platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter, they actively search for potential candidates, even passive ones who may not be actively seeking a new position. Additionally, since chatbots can reconnect with a business’s current applicant pool, they ensure that relevant candidates are aware when new opportunities arise, fostering a relationship with their organization​. (Yellow.ai)

Artificial intelligence recruiting chatbots make candidate screening smoother, increase candidate engagement, decrease HR’s effort, improve data analysis, and provide consistent communication and high-volume recruitment adaptability. AI-powered recruiting chatbots save time by identifying the optimum candidate calls and improving the quality of the candidate’s success. They also aid in reducing bias kills in high-volume AI automated recruiting, eliminating unfair and biased hiring​, and ensuring a comprehensive list of best-qualified applicants for further assessment.

To use recruiting chatbots most effectively, organizations should define key results, choose the proper AI-based recruitment platform chatbot, adapt the chatbot to the organizational culture to match brand aspirations, and train the HR hiring teams to realize the application. Those steps will create an accurate and effective chatbot tool to support the firm’s recruitment work​​. 

AI chatbots have become vital recruitment tools, helping perfect the process, assisting decision-making, and making it more enjoyable for candidates​​. In a competitive job market, such support allows a business to compete for great professionals and helps employees find and maintain the jobs they want

artificial intelligence in recruiting

Interview Scheduling

AI-powered interview scheduling is the future of recruitment, making it possible to automate and simplify the process of scheduling interviews between candidates and human recruiters. AI-based recruitment tools like Calendly and GoodTime work with both recruiters’ and candidates’ schedules and significantly save time and effort on the administrative part. This accelerates the scheduling process and provides a smooth communication path, allowing a comfortable candidate experience with real-time updates and tailored notifications.

In addition to scheduling, AI can assist in screening resumes, predicting hiring needs, assessing applicants, and recruitment marketing automation. Resume screening is made faster and more automated with the help of software like HireVue and Textkernel, while platforms such as Visier and Predictive Index use predictive analytics to facilitate strategic workforce planning.

Finally, AI recruiting minimizes bias using objective data analysis and predefined criteria to evaluate the most qualified candidates fairly. Companies such as Zoom, Pinterest, and Box have disclosed gains from using AI for recruitment, such as optimizing interview coordination, accelerating time-to-fill, and decreasing scheduling time. 

AI recruitment tools are built to assist humans, not replace them. Humans should always make critical organizational decisions, such as hiring or firing​​. AI recruitment solutions will help businesses simplify the process of finding and recruiting the most suitable candidates for their teams.

AI-Driven Recruitment Candidate Engagement

AI recruitment software allows management to engage with the candidate from the first interaction, offer help and information at the point of need, and deliver a more personal recruitment experience.  Through advanced AI software, the recruiter makes a request to the system with specific criteria for the ideal candidate. 

Moreover, recruitment driven by artificial intelligence chatbots increases the hiring process’s efficiency and secures time and assets for staffing firms, enabling recruiters to focus on high-value tasks such as candidate evaluation and partnership development. 

using AI for recruiting

AI in Recruiting Predictive Analysis

Predictive analytics via artificial intelligence is transforming how companies recruit, making it even more data-driven and informed. This method uses past hiring data and machine learning algorithms to predict future hiring needs, identify the best candidates, and even predict how well a candidate will perform in a position to find the optimal ones more quickly.

Organizations are also using predictive analytics to perfect the AI-powered recruiting processes. Through this analytical method, influenced by data from previous successful hires, businesses can determine what top performers have in common and create a targeted search for potential employees who share the same characteristics. 

Here, the issue of applying predictive analytics is rising. In this field, predictive analytics may be combined with AI-based recruitment software that is included in the already existing Applicant Tracking System for a more detailed analysis of the candidates’ data flow.  According to Neogov, “These recruiting tools help seamlessly identify candidates and speed up the candidate selection process, or predictive analytics can be a part of the job websites.” 

The use of Predictive Analytics in recruiting is a game-changer and has revolutionized previous approaches since it enables a strategically organized, more efficient recruiting process that provides stellar recruitment outcomes. 

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

  • Efficiency in screening. The first benefit of AI in recruitment is the time needed for screening. AI dramatically improves the level of recruitment efficiency, as per 44% of recruiters. The next few years demonstrate its growing importance, as 35% to 45% of company representatives confirm the use of AI for recruiting personnel. 
  • Candidate Sourcing Is More Efficient: According to 2024 data, 58% of recruiters stated AI facilitates candidate sourcing hiring the most. This means AI plays a major part in improving the sourcing process by making it more efficient and effective. It indicates AI’s potential to help hiring managers find candidates quicker and better match job needs and candidate skills. To better understand AI’s influence on the other aspects of recruiting, check artificial intelligence recruitment for 2024, prepared by DemandSage.
  • Less bias: AI in recruitment is primarily used to reduce bias in the hiring process. As reported by Zippia, 68% of recruiters believe and see an opportunity that AI use can help eliminate unintentional or unconscious bias from recruitment. This means that AI has a big opportunity to democratize recruitment, as hiring managers would focus on the candidate’s skills and experience rather than the demographics.
  • Improved Candidate Experience: According to Sense and Talent Board research, 51% of respondents reported considerable improvements in candidate satisfaction. Specifically, 49% of respondents said chatbots improved the quality of their company’s candidate experience, while 35% agreed that chatbots freed recruiters’ time and made them more productive. 
  • Predictive Analytics: Thanks to the integration of AI-driven predictive analytics, recruiting with predictive analytics has revolutionized the way we identify top talent. It has allowed organizations to make strategic and data-informed recruitment artificial intelligence decisions—those positions that traditionally were problematic are now easy to fill. 

The Most Popular AI Recruitment Tools

Dozens of powerful artificial intelligence recruitment software are available that can enhance your recruitment process. Here are some to help you bridge the gap between AI and recruitment for unbeatable hiring. 

HireVue This AI recruiter can assess potential employees through video interviews based on their communication competencies, professionalism, and appropriateness for the role. AI algorithms evaluate candidate responses and offer valuable insights. HireVue includes candidate screening, scheduling, and communication tracking to provide an all-inclusive artificial intelligence in recruitment platform.
Textio  Textio is designed to improve job descriptions for recruiters using AI in recruitment writing. It accounts for the contextual and cultural dimensions to ensure that the job description truly reflects the opportunity and appeals to the intended audience. Textio helps to improve the success of the recruitment personnel involved in attracting more suitable job applicants
Humanly.io Humanly.io is designed to automate routine tasks to help recruiters work better. It is a platform that automates repetitive tasks and fragmented functions, including finding the appropriate candidates, shortlisting their resumes, and scheduling interviews, thus allowing recruiters to focus on critical strategic functions. 
Jobvite Jobvite is another notable AI in recruitment example. This AI-echoed recruiting platform allows businesses to extend hiring, including recruitment marketing, interviewing, talent acquisition AI & automation, and volume hiring. AI automates job distribution, resume screening, and candidate relationship management. 
Zoho Recruit On one hand, Zoho Recruit combines traditional methods with powerful AI capabilities that help recruiters pinpoint the right candidates from various sources. 
ClickUp ClickUp is a project management system based on AI functions for task organization, onboarding, and recruiting workflow management. 
Turing  Turing specializes in building connections between businesses and the limitless global pool of software developers.
Findem Findem is a talent acquisition professionals platform that offers modernized solutions. It uses advanced AI for better candidate sourcing and screening and conversational AI, which allows for a superb, engaging candidate experience during the recruitment process.
Manatal Manatal offers the use of AI in recruitment machine learning to process candidate data and turn it into actionable insights to support every stage of the recruiting process. 
Fetcher Fetcher focuses on automating the sourcing process. It uses machine learning algorithms to find connections for even passive candidates and then automate their email addresses for the talent management system.

All AI recruitment technology has unique aspects and advantages, ranging from the all-empowering project management functionality within ClickUp to the specialized software developers-centric platform Turing. Yet, in the dynamic development of the job market, AI-driven platforms become the irreplaceable means of making the recruitment process faster and more effective, helping companies find and attract the best specialists.


How is artificial intelligence changing the recruiting process? The adoption of AI in the recruitment process represents a groundbreaking change in how recruiting teams approach hiring. By taking on repetitive assignments, AI recruitment tools boost overall productivity and free up human resources to concentrate on the creative aspects of hiring. AI also allows for a more accurate candidate-job fit, making hiring decisions more successful than ever before. For more information on top AI-driven recruiting solutions, contact Litslink. We’ll help you determine the best fit for your situation.

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