Video Interviewing Platform

Video Interviewing Platform

What is Willo?

Willo is a web platform that aims to connect recruiters and applicants in a single ecosystem. The product is designed to help companies find the right talent 40% faster with the help of an optimized recruiting process.


Almost every company has a position with high employee turnover and constant flow of candidates. Inviting all applicants for an interview might appear to be quite a resource-consuming process. Also, recruiters required a secure screening system that would help them to shortlist relevant applicants for an open position. That is why Willo chose LITSLINK among other top software development companies to build a top-notch video interviewing platform.





Willo allows companies to hire 40% faster with the remote video interviewing process. What distinguishes it from the other similar platforms is exceptional user experience and simplicity. A business can setup an interview on their desktop PC, tablet or mobile in less than 3 minutes. They can also customize the look and feel of their Willo portal, ensuring a consistent experience for candidates.

The candidate’s experience is also straightforward: they can respond by video to the recruiter’s questions anywhere, anytime – no apps or downloads required. Only when happy with their responses, do they submit them for the recruiter’s review. All this results in companies using Willo hire 9-days faster from their competitors


The platform has the potential to revolutionize the recruiting process and make it easier for a number of companies in the industries with high employee turnover rates to find great talents. The service already enables hiring by 40% faster thanks to a reduction in tedious phone screening. It also brings innovation to the field and motivates companies to embrace cutting-edge tech. An optimized recruiting system provides employers with an eco-friendly alternative to traditional screening methods as it reduces the carbon footprint made by transferring candidates to and from an interview.

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