08 May, 2024

Comparing ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4: Exploring the Enhancements in the Latest Version

The world of AI chatbots is buzzing with the arrival of ChatGPT-4, the much-anticipated successor to the popular GPT-3.5. But how much of an upgrade are we talking about? Is ChatGPT-4 truly a game-changer, or is it just a minor iteration? The new version became available in November 2023 and immediately became wildly popular. Dive into this article to uncover the key differences between these two language models and discover what makes ChatGPT-4 stand out.


In this article, we detail a comparison of ChatGPT-3.5 vs 4, to uncover the advancements and improvements that make the new version stand out.

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What Drawbacks Does ChatGPT-3.5 Have?

ChatGPT-3.5 has caused quite a stir with its ability to perform a variety of tasks. These include answering user questions, writing songs and poems, translating, generating computer code and interacting in a human-like manner. However, despite the advanced features of this AI chatbot, there were still a few critical limitations that affected its performance and accuracy. We’re going to dive into each of them.

Inability to understand the context. ChatGPT-3.5 struggles to understand the subtle nuances of human language. It doesn’t grasp the context when it consists of jokes or sarcasm. The problem is that it does not think the way people do and does not have the imagination to get the idea behind indirect sayings.

Problems with generating long and structured texts. GPT-3 has been trained in a way it can produce longer responses. But in reality, when you ask it to give a lengthy answer to your questions, it starts repeating the same information over and over. So the output is long, but the context is vague and inaccurate. ChatGPT-3.5’s shorter replies, on the other hand, can be quite informative.

Unable to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. OpenAI’s chatbot operates best if you give it only one task to work on. Trying to get multiple answers to your questions at once will reduce its accuracy and effectiveness. It’s trained to perform one specific task at a time, such as answering questions or generating text. When ChatGPT is asked to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, it may become confused and give inappropriate or irrelevant responses.

Generate biased data. The data used to train ChatGPT originally consisted of biases and prejudices. The training data reflects historical inequalities or stereotypes present in society. That’s why, we can’t expect the chatbot to give us completely objective outputs.

Grammatical and accuracy troubles. Since ChatGPT is only a language model, it generates texts from vast amounts of training data. It originally may contain grammatical errors and misspellings, and due to the limitations of current AI technology, the chatbot isn’t able to detect and fix these issues. In addition, ChatGPT generates responses based on probabilities, which means that the model may occasionally generate outputs that are grammatically incorrect or contain typos.

What Makes ChatGPT-4 Better Than ChatGPT-3.5: 3 New Functionalities

In the battle of ChatGPT-3.5 vs 4,  it becomes evident that the latter exhibits several objective differences, ensuring a more effective approach to addressing complex issues with increased accuracy. We’ll talk about each of these differences in detail and find out what the service offers at the price of $20 per month.openAI gpt-4

  • Longer Context

OpenAI’s new chatbot is capable of processing up to 25,000 words at once, which is 8 times more than its predecessor managed. In this way, GPT-4 can be successfully used for larger content creation, document search and analysis and longer conversations.

Thanks to an advanced deep-learning approach that uses more data and more computation, OpenAI’s GPT-4 can process longer inputs and generate more coherent and contextually appropriate outputs.

  • Visual Inputs

GPT-4 accepts not only text inputs, but also images, and can create labels, analyzes and classifications. For instance, you can provide a picture of different products and ask the chatbot what dish you can make from them.

The parallel use of text and images allows users to better specify what they want to ask ChatGPT and what they want to receive as an output. The language model can handle a wide variety of visual documents, including infographics, photos, diagrams, and screenshots.

This new feature is still in its infancy, however, as it requires more research and revision to make it work accurately. The software is capable of labeling objects on an image, but you can’t expect it to describe your image in a coherent way.

  • Better Creativity

ChatGPT-4 offers a higher level of creativity than its predecessor. Users can effectively collaborate with it to write multiple pieces of content that require originality: poems, songs, or screenplays. The chatbot is able to give surprising, clever and imaginative answers and come up with novel ideas or concepts that people may not have even thought of.

However, the model hasn’t yet reached the creativity of humans, because it can’t provide users with truly breakthrough outputs, as they’re ultimately the result of its training data and programming.

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Limitations of ChatGPT-4gpt-4

While ChatGPT-4 boasts impressive upgrades over its predecessor, it’s crucial to remember it’s still under development and possesses limitations that shouldn’t be overlooked. Let’s explore some key areas where ChatGPT-4 might stumble:

  1. Knowledge and Understanding:

Limited Real-World Experience: Though vast, ChatGPT-4′s training data primarily consists of text and code. This can lead to a lack of understanding of real-world context, nuances, and common sense, potentially resulting in misinterpretations or irrelevant responses.

Cutoff Date: Similar to most large language models, ChatGPT-4′s knowledge base might not extend beyond its training data’s cut-off date. This means its understanding of recent events or developments might be incomplete or inaccurate.

  1. Bias and Fairness:

Data-Driven Biases: As with any AI model trained on massive datasets, ChatGPT-4 can inherit and perpetuate biases present in that data. This could lead to discriminatory or offensive outputs depending on the prompt or context.

Human Bias Creep: Unintentional human biases present during development, training, or data selection can also influence ChatGPT-4′s responses, potentially amplifying existing societal prejudices.

  1. Reliability and Consistency:

Sensitivity to Prompting: ChatGPT-4 can be highly sensitive to how prompts are phrased. Even minor wording changes can drastically alter its understanding and generate significantly different responses, raising concerns about consistency and reliability.

Hallucination and Fabrication: Though improved, ChatGPT-4 can still generate factually incorrect or misleading information, especially when dealing with open-ended questions or prompts lacking clear context.

  1. Explainability and Interpretability:

Black Box Effect: Like other large language models, ChatGPT-4‘s internal workings remain largely opaque, making it difficult to understand how it arrives at its outputs. This lack of transparency can hinder debugging errors or assessing the reasoning process.

Limited Control over Generation: Users have limited control over the specific content or style of ChatGPT-4‘s outputs, making it challenging to fine-tune responses for specific tasks or applications.

  1. Ethical Considerations:

Potential for Misuse: ChatGPT-4’s powerful text generation capabilities could be misused for malicious purposes like creating deepfakes, spreading misinformation, or automating harmful content creation. Robust safeguards and ethical guidelines are crucial to mitigate these risks.

Job Displacement: While ChatGPT-4′s potential for automation is exciting, it also raises concerns about job displacement in various sectors. Careful considerations and strategies are needed to address potential social and economic impacts.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, ChatGPT-4 is more accurate and sharper than previous models and offers a wider range of features, such as visual inputs. It delivers better results in terms of speed and factual accuracy and dismisses most answers with disallowed content. However, it still possesses the limitations of OpenAI’s previous language models, such as biased data and lack of common sense. 

Is ChatGPT-4 worth spending money on? The new capabilities and improved accuracy offered by ChatGPT-4 may justify its cost to those looking for advanced solutions in natural language processing and artificial intelligence.

Regardless of these shortcomings, GPT-4 has impressive capabilities and improves people’s lives in unimaginable ways. Have you tried the new version of ChatGPT yet?

If you have a brilliant idea for your own language model or other powerful AI software, LITSLINK is here for you. Our team of artificial intelligence software developers harnesses their extensive knowledge of this technology to create groundbreaking products that make the world a better place. Contact us today!

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