How to Create a Chat App like WhatsApp and Make it Stand Out
So, do you want to know how to make a chat app? The best thing you can do during this initial stage is to familiarize yourself with the undisputed king of messaging applications: WhatsApp. Why is...

10 Best React Native Apps
“Although there are real pain points and challenges, the overall gains significantly outweigh the costs which motivates us to keep investing in the platform”. – Funghao (Robin) Chen, a Mobile Lead at...

Artificial Intelligence in Telemedicine: A Transformational Perspective
The world is facing unprecedented challenges: a global pandemic, economic strain, and healthcare systems under immense pressure. For many, accessing proper medical care feels like a distant dream. ...

Python for Machine Learning
Python has been rapidly rising in popularity over the past few years. In 2019, the Stackoverflow survey reported Python to be the most wanted programming language and the second most loved one after...

Top 10 Amazing Apps Built Using Flutter
Hardly anyone of us as simple users is interested in tools that were used in creating our favorite mobile applications. We just enjoy (or not) the experience of using an app running on our device....

How Tech Companies Like Apple and Tesla Contribute to the Fight Against COVID-19
Nobody could predict the arrival of the global economic crisis in the first quarter of 2020. It was like a nightmare from a bad dream. All of a sudden, all business sectors went down and stock...

Best Virtual Reality Apps You Need to Explore in 2024
The rise of VR technology has transformed our interaction with digital environments, allowing for immersive experiences right from our homes. To elevate your virtual reality journey, we’ve...

Why Do Most Startups Fail?
“Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once” – Drew Houston, CEO & Co-Founder of DropboxEvery startup wants to be successful. On top of that, doing business is harsh nowadays...

How Should Employers Respond to Coronavirus? LITSLINK Case
As COVID-19 pandemic spreads around the world, thousands of new cases are being diagnosed every day. As of March 21, the World Health Organization reported 234 073 confirmed cases globally with 6 new...

Is Virtual Reality a New Game Changer for the Real Estate Field?
Virtual Reality (VR) has been the “next big thing” in tech for quite a while now. From its gaming industry beginnings to new applications in military training, the VR trend seems to be picking up...

What Does a Global Economic Crisis Hold for Startups?
The world is teetering now from the arriving financial crisis and coronavirus pandemic. On March 9, 2020, a stock market crash happened known as a Black Monday. On this date, DJIA went down by nearly...

Top 10 Tools for Remote Employees To Cope with Workflow In Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus outbreak spreads panic over the world at lightning speed. Donald Trump announced a 30-day travel ban for EU citizens to the US. In his speech, he mentioned:“The European Union failed...

Top Ten Tools for Monitoring Your Remote Employees In The Age of The Coronavirus
Probably a lot of business owners used to think that an opportunity to work remotely is a personal whim of lazy employees. But the situation with the coronavirus outbreak proved the opposite. Working...

Working Remotely in Coronavirus Crisis: All the Tips and Pitfalls of Remote Working
As coronavirus pandemic spreads throughout the world, affecting more and more human lives, businesses across all domains have to prepare to adapt to the changing conditions. Numerous multi-billion...

Why Do Multi-Billion Companies like Google Prefer to Open their R&D Centers in CEE?
When corporate technological behemoths were opening offices in Ukraine, they probably had an effective strategy in mind. But it’s highly likely that with the COVID-19 crisis they couldn’t guess that...

Why Should You Build Your Next App with Flutter?
When Flutter was first introduced to the world in early 2017, it marked the first efforts of large corporations in stepping aside from cut-and-dried software and then allowing developers to build...

React Native: How to Create a Custom Tab Bar
React Native is a perfect tool used for creating beautiful and high performing mobile applications. Moreover, the framework provides you with an excellent chance to create appealing components for...

React Native Case: Building a Custom Circle
React Native is an open-source mobile development tool introduced by Facebook that allows creating user-friendly apps for Android, iOS, Web and UWP. Although it is quite a popular technology, being a...

What are Software Engineering Best Practices?
What are the best software engineering practices, and why do you need them? To answer this question, you might recall your first music lessons when you were learning to play the guitar. You were told...

Single-Page vs Multi-Page Applications: Benefits, Drawbacks and Pitfalls
The main difference between Single-Page vs. Multi-Page Applications lies in how they handle content delivery and user interaction. Single-Page Applications (SPAs) dynamically load content in the...