Everything You Wanted to Know About Microservices Architecture
Netflix, Etsy, Walmart, and Uber—these major players benefit from using a microservices-based architecture to get easy integration, automatic deployment, and flexible scaling. In this article, we...
Best Front-End Frameworks For 2024
Many companies across the world have suffered huge losses since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. During the first weeks of the pandemic, 43% of small businesses temporarily closed. As a...
Planning a Seamless Software Product Launch: A 10-Step Guide
It’s time to introduce your product to your customers, but you have problems with the delivery process? Now you will have to come up with a solid software product launch plan to bring a...
How to Choose the Right Software Development Company
A single country such as the US, Ukraine, or Poland can have hundreds of thousands of software development companies. All in all, there are pretty many countries globally that have a multitude of...
React vs. React Native: Unique Features and Benefits
Having trouble deciding between React and React Native? Unsure which technology to choose? We’ll help you understand the differences between React and React Native. We’ll outline the...
How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App?
Probably many business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering how the COVID-19 pandemic is going to influence their domains. Indeed, the virus is going to leave a visible mark on many...
How to Build a Healthcare App that Brings Value to Your Users?
Technologies are constantly evolving: new devices, apps, and functions appear almost every day, making this world a better place. The same is happening in the healthcare industry, which has managed...
Micronaut: Building Microservices with This JVM-Framework
Microservices are all the rage right now, and if you only want to know how to build them with the help of Micronaut, jumpstart here. Otherwise, before we jump into the nitty-gritty of building...
Understanding Web Application Architecture: Key Components, Best Practices, and Beyond
The digital world thrives on web applications, but crafting a smooth, efficient, and future-proof one requires more than just lines of code. The rapid advancements in web development have given rise...
SecOps & DevSecOps: What We Know About These Evolving Fields
How much does a data breach cost? According to the Ponemon Institute report, organizations experiencing massive data leakages should prepare to pay as much as $3.84 million.With 300 million breaches...
The Realities of Quantum Computing: Promises vs Facts
The race for quantum dominance gets hotter. IBM, Google and Microsoft are pouring millions of dollars in the hopes of creating the first fully functional quantum computer that could be used for...
What Can You Do With Python? Top 8 Applications of Python for Best-In-Class Projects
The Python programming language has been gaining notoriety since its inception in the early 1990s. However, it further gained a bigger spotlight with the advent of more sophisticated technologies...
Business Ideas: Tech-For-Good Startups As A Growing Trend of 2021
Coming up with innovative startup ideas is quite a challenge. Whenever you think of a fantastic app idea, you’ll probably see that some of the renowned tech enterprises have already built it.But...
5 Best React Native UI Libraries To Boost Your Development
We bet your day does not pass without scrolling an Instagram feed or checking updates on Facebook. It means the only thing — these top-notch apps are climbing the charts and show no signs of...
Quarkus — Best-Of-Breed Java Or Its Most Successful Framework
Quarkus appeared to challenge everything we knew about Java. Ambitiously referred to as “supersonic subatomic”, it wipes out all limitations previously set by Java frameworks, making it a perfect...
NativeScript vs React Native: What’s Better for Native Mobile Development?
Do you like playing PokemonGo on your smartphone? If you do, here is an interesting fact for you to know – it’s a native mobile app. It means that PokemonGo works only on specific mobile platforms –...
What Should You Know About the Future of Node.js?
Node.js is one of the most demanded frameworks in the world. Nearly 54.1% of developers use it to create highly scalable and top-notch web applications.Uber, Trello, and other renowned apps were...
What is the Future of Java?
Java. The name itself conjures images of a robust and powerful programming language. For decades, it’s been a dominant force behind countless applications, websites, and even mobile games. But...
AI Whitepaper: Data Science Trends You’ll Benefit From in 2024-2025
Data science is no longer a buzzword in the world of tech. It is a powerful instrument that equips companies with practical tools to automate their operations, improve decision-making, and gain...
How To Design a User-Friendly App?
The mobile app market is insanely growing. In the 3d quarter of 2020, users spent $28 billion on mobile apps, whilst in the same period of 2019, the expenditures were estimated at $23 billion.So if...