Rent Calculator App

Vuokrakulut is a mobile application created solely for tracking rental income and calculating new investments

What is Vuokrakulut?

Vuokrakulut is a mobile application created solely for tracking rental income and calculating new investments


Scandinavia, especially Finland, has very complicated tax processes. That’s why people, who want to rent an apartment, experience quite a lot of difficulties. There is a lot of paperwork involved — tenants have to manage various documents, save and show them to the relevant tax authorities.

Landlords pay too much taxes from their rental income, which deprives them of an opportunity to invest in their property to maintain it at the appropriate level.

The client needed a solution that would provide its users with an opportunity to efficiently manage their taxes and reached out to LITSLINK, a top software development company, based in the US.





To meet the challenge, LITSLINK created a rental income management mobile application that could track expenses more effectively. Thus, it solves the tracking expenses problem for landlords. It also alleviates the burden of poor expense and tax reduction task management for tenants.

The Vuokrakulut app is an intuitive calculator that helps its users to track expenses, costs, and keep track of various receipts. The user can show the tax official how all taxes and costs are handed in this application.


The mobile application makes it much easier to manage investment and spending processes as well as saves time. The app digitalizes the entire process of tax-paying in Scandinavia, so tenants, landlords, and tax authorities could control renting procedures.

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